Ricerche di ontologia relazionale
Dear friends, colleagues and readers,
here we are with a report on the activities promoted in the first semester of this new academic year.
The research group is expanding with new members from within the faculties of The Holy Cross, the International Scientific Committee and seminar activities, as you will see from the updates on the website pages.
Thanks to the support of our benefactors, we have also been able to promote dialogues of intense interdisciplinary and ecumenical value this semester! We hope to share with you some of the benefits we have received through the summaries that follow.
For those who wish, we can share with you some of the publications we have been working on, just send us an email to
A heartfelt wish for a Merry Christmas and a Jubilee of Hope for the year to come from the Relational Ontology Research Group (ROR) of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

What method for a theology at the service of evangelisation? Conference in honour of Prof. Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco

On September 20th 2024, the ROR group, in collaboration with the University of Navarra and the Pontifical John Paul II University in Krakow, organised a study day dedicated to the work of Prof. Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco, held in the Aula Minor of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. The speakers, who took part in the work, included the theologians Piero Coda (Sophia University), Karen Kilby (Durham University), Gabrielle Thomas (Emory University), Ari Ojell (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland), Paul O'Callaghan (PUSC, Rome), Robert Wozniak (Pontificial University of John Paul II), Miguel Brugarolas (Universidad de Navarra), Ilaria Vigorelli (PUSC, Rome) and Giulio Maspero (PUSC, Rome).

Christian Faith and the Future of Capitalism

On September 30th 2024 a workshop organised by the ROR group and the Chair of the Social Doctrine of the Church of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross was held in response to the provocations of Kathrin Tanner's book Christian faith and the future of Capitalism (YALE University Press 2021), opening up further reflections from a Christian perspective on the current condition of capitalism and further possible developments of Christian social thought. The debate, held behind closed doors and moderated by Ilaria Vigorelli (PUSC, Rome) and Giulio Maspero (PUSC, Rome), was attended by young politicians and officials of the institutions, as well as Luigino Bruni (LUMSA, Rome), Brian Griffiths (House of Lords, London), Ilyas Khan (University of Cambridge), Riccardo Ribera di Alcalà (formerly at the European Parliament), and Cristian Mendoza (PUSC, Rome).

Pensare la Rivelazione. Giornata di studi con J.-L. Marion

On November 13th 2024 in the Alvaro del Portillo Lecture Hall of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the ROR promoted a day of study in honour of Professor Jean-Luc Marion (Académie française and Accademia dei Lincei), who was present at the proceedings, on the theme Quelques Théses pour un concept de Révélation. The speakers Andrea Bellantone (Institut Catholique de Toulose) and Robert Wozniak (Pontifical University John Paul II), where introduced and moderated by Gennaro Luise, Vice-Dean of the Faculty and member of the ROR.

Preserving Relationships in an Ideological Age

A reflection on the need to preserve relationships in an age such as ours: the thoughts of Noelle Mering in her book Awake not woke, A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology.

Gödel e i Cappadoci: apofatismo e incompletezza

Giulio Maspero held a lecture at the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in Cambridge, bringing together his experience as a theoretical physicist with his background as a dogmatic theologian, and scholar of the Fathers.

Dio e il male

Juan José Sanguineti, Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of Philosophy at PUSC, held a lecture entitled God in the Face of Natural and Moral Evils: a Thomistic Approach. Ariberto Acerbi introduced and moderated the seminar.

Vittime e oppressori

An afternoon of study on Antonio Malo's book Victims and Oppressors was attended by Benedetto Ippolito, from the Faculty of Philosophy, together with his colleague Luis Romera, and with Giulio Maspero and Ilaria Vigorelli.