in the next academic year, the Relational Ontology Research Group will celebrate its 10th anniversary. We thought that with the growth of the activities and of the network it would be useful to send you a newsletter once a year. Through it we’ll present the updates of our research lines and the most relevant activities of the academic year.
This way, we hope to relationally share with you results and joy, and to announce future projects.
On the occasion of the publication of Thomas J. White’s The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God, the ROR organized an itinerant conference which took place at the Angelicum, at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and at the University of Notre Dame – Rome Global Gateway.
The ROR proposed a reflection on the exercise of authority in the Church: an invitation in which all are called to take the risk of a leadership understood as a sign of the mediation between God and the world. It is an invitation to a renewed reflection on the identity of the Church with the help of transdisciplinarity.
An afternoon of study on The Religious Sense of Father Luigi Giussani on the occasion of the centenary of his birth.
An afternoon of study on charisms departing from the book La comunità fragile, by Luigino Bruni.
The event aims to form an ecumenical research group for the 1700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicea.
The search for holiness in post-modern society, following John Paul II’s reflection on human work.
For the 2023/2024 academic year, we have the plan to organize, together with the Pontifical University Angelicum, an International Conference entitled New Trinitarian Anthropologies, as a follow up to the previous New Trinitarian Ontologies, which we had co-organized with the University of Cambridge in September 2019 (link to internal page)
We are also preparing the debut of a new magazine which will be called «Chresis. Patristic and Philosophical Studies», curated by us with the Genesis Patristic Center of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, which will have the aim of exploring the relationship between philosophies and Christian thought in the late ancient period.
We wish you a good summer and thank you for your support. We look forward to receiving all of your suggestions.