Dear friends and supporters of the ROR,
Sending you our best wishes for the now approaching Christmas, we enclose some notes from Ana Machado and Diletta Colarossi that narrate the research themes we are working on.
This semester we have been exploring how relational ontology – which for our research group is moved by the reality of the triune God revealed by Jesus – opens up ever new possibilities for dialogue with the world of philosophy and psychology.
Antonio Malo, who is developing a line of research in relational anthropology, imparted in July a new course at Holy Cross, aimed at students from all over the world passing through Rome, which he titled Analisis de la estructura de la personalidad en la obra de Edith Stein [Analysis of the structure of personality in the work of Edith Stein]. He also spoke as part of the Cycle of Conferences on Forgiveness sponsored by the "Antonio Rosmini" Cultural Association, with a contribution entitled Il perdono come dono che rigenera le nostre relazioni [Forgiveness as a gift that regenerates our relationships]. Moreover, he presented, in an internal faculty seminar, our research on how to interpret the sexual dimension in the study of philosophical anthropology, titling his lecture Fundamentos de una antropología de la integración y su aplicación a la comprensión de la sexualidad humana [Foundations of an anthropology of integration and its application to the understanding of human sexuality].
As you will be able to verify by browsing through the website, the ROR Seminar appointments follow at a rapid pace. Those Seminars gather the opportunity to intercept scholars who come to Rome for short periods and stimulate comparisons between doctoral students from different disciplines. We have been broadcasting them online for doctoral students living abroad.
Next semester we plan a workshop on Feb. 21 on the relational dynamics of hierarchical and charismatic gifts in the Church and the influence of history in communities organized around a founder.
Our interest and commitment to theological exploration of freedom of conscience and formation that safeguards healthy asymmetrical relationships in the Church for the growth of inner freedom is rising and has led us to weave relationships with other research groups interested in the same topics. We expect to be able to meet for a new workshop in the spring.
Thus, we hope to have once again aroused your goodwill, which is so important for the continuation of our work.
Workshop on the occasion of the publication of the ROR Studies Series n.7, Autorità e mediazione: le relazioni asimmetriche nella Chiesa, edited by Ilaria Vigorelli, Jordi Pujol and Francisco Insa. This volume is a follow-up to the Expert Meeting Autorità e mediazione: le relazioni asimmetriche nella Chiesa (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, February 17-18, 2023.
On December 1, 2023, was presented Vittoria Lugli’s book In volo con le emozioni (San Paolo 2023). The meeting was moderated by Prof. Ilaria Vigorelli, professor of Systematic Theology and the speakers were Fr. Prof. Francisco Javier Insa Gomez, professor of bioethics and secretary of the Center for Priestly Formation, and Fr. Prof. Fabio Rosini, biblical scholar, writer and director of the Vocations Service of the Diocese of Rome.
Ryan Haecker, curator of the proceedings of the Conference held in Oxford in September 2019 “New Trinitarian Ontologies” (currently being published), reviewed, during the seminar on 21 November 2023, the positions attributable to it and the critical ones (Prof. John Betz and Fr. Prof. White).
In this Seminar, which is part of a broader research, Paulina Monjaraz intended to show whether we can speak of a Trinitarian Ontology in Edith Stein’s Finite and Eternal Being: An Attempt at an Ascent to the Meaning of Being.