Dear friends and supporters of the ROR,
we send the newsletter of the activities of the Relational Ontology Research Group (ROR) of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.
Born with the intention of creating an ecumenical space for dialogue between disciplines, placing relation at the heart of its method and research focus, this semester ROR directed its activities towards the presentation of the proposal elaborated by Giulio Maspero for the dialogue between Eastern and Western Churches on the question of the Filioque.
We also moved forward in the now multi-year commitment that involves us in the formulation of theoretical and practical responses to the crisis of abuse. Our proposal builds on the theological, psychological and pedagogical disciplines in order to frame the good practice of growth in emotional self-awareness in the spiritual companion, as a tool that both broadens and contains the relationship.
Finally, we cultivated intense dialogues with other academic institutions through ROR seminars, the co-organisation of an international conference on Trinitarian theology that was held in Toulouse, and a special conference dedicated to ecology, looked at from a relational perspective that puts in dialogue a patristic proposal and contemporary biological research.
Happy reading and have a good summer!
Re-Thinking the Filioque
Giulio Maspero published the volume Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers in 2023. During the round table discussion, however, he made it clear that the scope of the work would be circumscribed by the following proposal. In their response to the Pneumatomachians, the Greek Fathers introduced the idea of an active role of the Son in the procession of the Holy Spirit in the divine Immanence, but this role cannot be considered "causal" because it is instead purely “relational”.
Corso sulla Regolazione Emotiva dell’Accompagnatore Spirituale
The Course on the Emotional Regulation of the Spiritual Companion, organised by the ROR together with the Joan Baptista Torelló Research Group, involved around fifty spiritual companions, clerics and lay people. The aim of the meetings was to reflect in a dialogue between the psychological and theological disciplines on the spiritual guide relationship and to equip the participants with practical tools for verifying the healthy conditions of the relationship and preventing burnout.
Trinity and Temporality: A metaphysical question between historical paradigms and speculative approaches
The ROR co-organised with the Institut Catholique de Toulouse an international conference entitled Trinity and Temporality: A metaphysical question between historical paradigms and speculative approaches. The event, held on 19-20 March 2024, was promoted by the Chair of the Philosophy of Christianity of the same Institute and was attended by distinguished speakers from prestigious European universities, such as Piero Coda, Rowan Williams, John Milbank, Judith Wolfe and Emmanuel Gabellieri.
Naturam totam complectari animo: Towards a relational ecology
On Monday, June 10, Robert Marsland and Douglas Sponsler brought together an international group of two philosophers and four scientists in the Benedict XVI Hall for a conversation on the ontology of the living world, supported by the ROR. Marsland worked as a post-doctoral researcher in biophysics and theoretical ecology before beginning his license in theology with Giulio Maspero, while Sponsler is a post-doctoral researcher in entomology at the University of Würzburg.
La teologia tra ressourcement e aggiornamento. Spunti da alcuni scritti di J. Ratzinger
Ilaria Morali illustrates Ratzinger's thinking on the relationship between ressourcement and aggiornamento.
Teologia dell’immagine e reditus: itinerario contemplativo
M. José Zegers focuses on the role of the theology of the image in the theological thought of Richard of St. Victor.
Arte e silenzio. La teologia dell’icona ed alcune correnti dell’arte contemporanea
Lucas Buch shares some interesting thoughts on the relation between avant-garde art and the icon's theology.
«Imiter Dieu». Sul platonismo di Simone Weil
Ariberto Acerbi offers an in-depth seminar on philosopher Simon Weil's reading of Plato.
Generati mediante il Vangelo
Fabio Rosini publishes a text on the first course held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.