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From Alexandria to Nyssa: Clement and Gregory in Conversation

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, October 28-30, 2021

While Gregory of Nyssa’s relation to Origen has been subject to much discussion, there has been little attention to the direct or indirect influence of Clement of Alexandria. This colloquium aims to explore the extent to which it is legitimate to speak of an “Alexandrian tradition” that links these two Fathers. Some questions we would like to consider together are: Is it possible to find in Gregory a way of doing theology that originates with Clement? Is Origen’s legacy a necessary mediation? What are the similarities and differences in these Fathers’ appropriation of the Biblical tradition?


Thursday 28/10/21

9.15   Welcome

9.30   Introduzione a Clemente, M. Rizzi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano)

10.15  Assimilazione a Dio di un teologo – Clemente di Alessandria, M. Gyurkovics (Saint Athanasius Greek-Catholic Theological College, Nyíregyháza)

11.00   Break

11.30   Creation in Gregory (and Clement), M. Brugarolas (Universidad de Navarra)

12.00   L’atto creativo come azione trinitaria: Clemente Alessandrino (e Gregorio Nisseno), M. Monfrinotti (Pontificio Ateno Sant’Anselmo, Roma)

12.30   Discussion

13.00   Lunch

15.00   Knowledge and its Limits in Clement and Gregory, J. Zachhuber (Trinity College, Oxford)

15.45   Clement of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa : from the ‘gnostic’ to numerous and ordinary believers, from psyche to Church, F. Vinel (Université de Strasbourg)

16.30   The Doctrine of the Infinity of God and Its Implications: Clement of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa, D. Mrugalski (Pontifical University of John Paul II, Krakow)

17.00   Break

17.30   Infinity in Clement, D. Wyrwa ( Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften)

18.15   Discussion


Friday 29/10/21

9.00   Introduzione a Gregorio di Nissa, C. Moreschini (Università di Pisa)

9.45   Clement and Gregory on the Correspondence of the Human Image with the Divine, F. Bastitta (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

10.15    Break

10.45   The soul grown heavy and the winged soul (Phdr. 246a6-248c2) according to Clement of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa, L. Karfikova (University of Prague)

11.15   Discussion

11.45   What should we do with our incapability to know God? The early Alexandrian apophatic theology and its relevance to later Cappadocian context, P. Ashwin-Siejkowski (King’s College, London)

12.30   Short communications (Room “del Portillo”)

  • Who is really blessed according to Christ’s sermon on the mountain? A comparison of Clement of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa for the real blessed in Christ (E. Artemi)
  • The Pattern and the Image in Gregory of Nyssa’s Interpretation of the Jewish Tabernacle (M. Dudziková)

12.30   Short communications (Room “Benedict XVI”)

  • “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans” (M. Marunová)
  • Clement and Gregory on the senses and the soul (C. Gardom)

13.00   Lunch

15.00   Tribute to Judith Kovacs

16.00   Short communications (Room “del Portillo”)

  • Christological exegesis in Gregory of Nyssa’s Life of Moses (H. Panczova)
  • La presenza di Clemente di Alessandria nei discepoli di Evagrio Pontico (R. Peretó Rivas)
  • La vie corporelle et la vie spirituelle chez Clément d’Alexandrie et Grégoire de Nysse (A. Ojica)

16.00   Short communications (Room “Benedict XVI”)

  • Paul in Gregory’s In Canticum (P.-M. Boutin)
  • Approaching the Divine Darkness: Negative Theology in Clement and Gregory (J. Steenbuch)
  • Elements of Mariology in Clement of Alexandria and Gregory of Nyssa: Mary and the Church (P. Havlík)

17.00   The image of the Teacher in Clement’s Paedagogus and Gregory of Nyssa’s homilies: comparisons and developments, J. Farrugia (University of Malta)

17.30   Break

18.00   Mysterion in Clement and Gregory, M. Edwards (Christ Church, Oxford)


Saturday 30/10/21

9.00   Exegesis from Clement to Gregory: historia and oikonomia, G. Maspero (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce)

9.45   Salvation in Clement, V. Černušková (Palacky University, Olomouc)

10.15   Salvation in Gregory, I. Vigorelli (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce)

10.45   Discussion

11.15   Break

11.45   Closing lecture: ‘The Gnostic creates and forms himself’ (Strom. Clement and Gregory of Nyssa on Being Human, J. Behr (Aberdeen University) 

12.30   Conclusions




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