The ROR carries out its purpose through Expert Meetings, Seminars and Summer Schools.
Natural Contemplation in Maximus the Confessor: an Introduction to Patristic Philosophy of Nature
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, February 26 2025 Speaker: Robert Marsland (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross) Handout...
La dottrina della assimilazione a Dio (homoiosis theo) nel Timeo di Platone
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, January 22 2025 Speaker: Franco Ferrari (Università di Pavia) Handout...
Vittime e oppressori
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, December 11, 2024 On 11 December 2024, a study afternoon dedicated to the work of Antonio Malo (PUSC, Rome) Victims and oppressors took place with the participation of Benedetto Ippolito (PUSC Rome, University of Rome...
Dio e il male
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, December 4 2024 For the ROR Seminar, Juan José Sanguineti, professor emeritus of the faculty of philosophy, held a lecture on the line of his recent publication in the journal Religions, entitled God in the Face of...
Pensare la Rivelazione. Giornata di studi con J.-L. Marion
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, November 13 2024 On November 13th 2024 in the Alvaro del Portillo Lecture Hall of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, the ROR promoted a day of study in honour of Professor Jean-Luc Marion (Académie française and...
Gödel and the Cappadocians: Apophaticism and Incompleteness
The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge, November 12 2024 Professor Giulio Maspero (Professor of Systematic Theology and Dean of the Faculty of Theology, PUSC, Rome), as a member of the ROR Group’s Executive Board, held a seminar on November...
Preserving Relationships in an Ideological Age
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, October 8 2024 Speaker: Noelle Mering (Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (Washington D.C.) With her book ‘Awake not woke, A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology’ Noelle Mering offered an...
Christian Faith and the Future of Capitalism
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, September 30 2024 On September 30th 2024 a workshop organised by the ROR group and the Chair of the Social Doctrine of the Church of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross was held in response to the provocations of...
What method for a theology at the service of evangelisation? Conference in honour of Prof. Lucas Francisco Mateo-Seco
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, September 20 2024 On September 20th 2024, the ROR group, in collaboration with the University of Navarra and the Pontifical John Paul II University in Krakow, organised a study day dedicated to the work of Prof. Lucas...
Generati mediante il Vangelo
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, June 18 2024 Author and perfector of faith is Jesus Christ: no one can give himself faith, because faith is received. It is not a matter of consistency or commitment but a work of God. Faith must then be accepted, and...
Naturam totam complectari animo: Towards a relational ecology
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, June 10, 2024 On Monday, June 10, Dr. Robert Marsland and Dr. Douglas Sponsler gathered an international group of two philosophers and four scientists in the Aula Benedetto XVI for a conversation on the ontology of the...
«Imiter Dieu». Sul platonismo di Simone Weil
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, May 21 2024 Speaker: Ariberto Acerbi (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross) Professor Ariberto Acerbi gave for ROR an in-depth seminar on the reading of Plato by philosopher Simon Weil: «what is philosophy if not a...
Re-Thinking the Filioque
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, April 9, 2024 The following participated in the disputatio invited by Giulio Maspero (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome): Edward Siecienski (Stockton University), Isidoro Katsos (University of Athens); Alexei...
Trinity and Temporality: a Metaphysical Question between Historical Paradigms and Speculative Approaches
Amphithéatre R. De Naurois, Toulouse, March 19-20, 2024 The ROR co-organized with the Institut Catholique de Toulouse an international conference titled Trinity and Temporality: a Metaphysical Question between Historical Paradigms and Speculative Approaches. The...
Arte e silenzio. La teologia dell’icona ed alcune correnti dell’arte contemporanea
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 21, 2024 Speaker: Lucas Buch (Universidad de Navarra) On the occasion of the seminar held on March 21, 2024, Professor Lucas Buch of the University of Navarra shared some interesting reflections on the relationship...
Presentazione del volume “Alterità. Sul confine fra l’io e l’altro” di Pierpaolo Donati
On line Seminar, April 18, 2024 Postponed April 18, 2024, 3.00 p.m. Link Zoom Presentation of the book: P. Donati, Alterità. Sul confine fra l’io e l’altro, Città Nuova, Roma, 2023 Introduction: Paolo Terenzi (University of Bologna) Speakers: Sergio Belardinelli...
Teologia dell’immagine e reditus: itinerario contemplativo negli scritti di Riccardo di San Vittore
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 6, 2024 Speaker: Maria José Zegers (Universidad de Navarra) The role of the Theology of the Image in the writings of Richard of St. Victor is of great importance, and it can be said with certainty that it is not an...
Course on The Emotional Regulation of The Spiritual Companion
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 15-16, 2024 The Course on the Emotional Regulation of the Spiritual Companion, organised by the ROR together with the Joan Baptista Torelló Research Group, involved around fifty spiritual accompaniers, clerics and...
La teologia tra ressourcement e aggiornamento. Spunti da alcuni scritti di J. Ratzinger
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, February 6, 2024 Speaker: Ilaria Morali (Pontificia Università Gregoriana) On February 6, during a seminar session jointly organized by the ROR and by the Patres Association, Prof. Ilaria Morali, Ordinary of Dogmatic...
Speculative Angelology
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, December 20, 2023 We receive and publish the following Call for proposals. Dear esteemed colleagues, I wish to invite you to participate in an exploratory workshop, Speculative Angelology, in Rome, Italy, at 2:00 pm...
In volo con le emozioni
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, December 1, 2023 On December 1, 2023, was presented Vittoria Lugli’s book In volo con le emozioni (San Paolo 2023). The meeting was moderated by Prof. Ilaria Vigorelli, professor of Systematic Theology and the...
The Novelty of Trinitarian Ontology: a Response to Thomas Joseph White and John Betz
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, November 21, 2023 Speaker: Ryan Haecker (University of Austin) *** Ryan Haecker, curator of the proceedings of the Conference held in Cambridge in September 2019 “New Trinitarian Ontologies” (currently being...
Autorità nella Chiesa: servizio e abusi
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, November 13, 2023 Workshop on the occasion of the publication of the ROR Studies Series n.7, Autorità e mediazione: le relazioni asimmetriche nella Chiesa, edited by Ilaria Vigorelli, Jordi Pujol and Francisco Insa. This...
Fenomenologia e ontologia in Essere finito, essere eterno di Edith Stein
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, October 17, 2023 Speaker: Paulina Monjaraz (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí) In this Seminar, which is part of a broader research, Paulina Monjaraz intended to show whether we can speak of a Trinitarian Ontology...
Kneeling Theology: Ratzinger’s Theological Epistemology
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, June 7, 2023 Speaker: Filip Veber (Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana) *** Before analysing Ratzinger’s theological epistemology, we posed the question of what theology is, and proposed three dimensions....
Comuni amici della famiglia: un’esperienza concreta
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 29, 2023 Speakers: Luis Navarro (Rector Pontifical University of the Holy Cross), Maurizio Fugatti (President, Autonomous Province of Trento), Alfredo Caltabiano (President, National Association of Large Families),...
Holiness through Work. Commemorating the Encyclical Laborem Exercens
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 7 - June 21, 2023 Moderators: Prof. Mons Martin Schlag, Prof. Giulio Maspero *** As part of its seminar activity, the Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE) research centre organised a new seminar series...
Social Trinitarianism under Early Islam: Theodore Abu Qurrah’s Imago Dei Argument for the Trinity
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 31, 2023 Speaker: Oskari Juurikkala (Åbo Akademi University, University of Helsinki) *** Nowadays, one of the main challenges of trinitarian theology is its relevance: it is felt by many that the image depicted by...
La paradoja en cristología: el estudio de un caso (Gregorio de Nisa)
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, March 20, 2023 Speaker: Miguel Brugarolas (Universidad de Navarra) *** Brugarolas examined Gregory of Nyssa’s contribution on the union of opposites in man and in Christ. He started with the opposition of contraries...
Trinitarian Ontology? An Ecumenical Issue
Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas Angelicum, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway, Rome, March 16-18, 2023 On the occasion of the publication of Thomas J. White’s The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God,...
Il fondamento trinitario del metodo di Lonergan
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, February 24, 2023 Speaker: Agnes Desmazieres (Centre Sèvres – Parigi) *** During the ROR Seminar held on 24 February 2023, two chapters extracted from the introductory part of Lonergan’s course on the Trinity were...
Autorità e mediazione: le relazioni asimmetriche nella Chiesa
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, February 17-18, 2023 On 17 and 18 February 2023, at the initiative of the Relational Ontology Research (ROR) group, in collaboration with the Faculty of Communication of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and the...
Workshop Intelligenza e persona. In dialogo con alcuni maestri del ‘900. Luigi Stefanini (1891-1956)
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, December 6, 2022 Speakers: G. Pintus (University of Sassari), A. Acerbi (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross) *** Two speakers participated in the seminar on the Italian philosopher Luigi Stefanini (1891-1956)....
La crítica de Edith Stein a la Filosofía Existencial de Heidegger y la posibilidad de una ontología relacional
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, November 28, 2022 Speaker: Paulina Monjaraz (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí) Respondent: Tommaso Bertolasi (Istituto Universitario Sophia) *** Paulina Monjaraz is a collaborator of Relational Ontology Research...
Esistenza e domanda su Dio: un metodo
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, November 25, 2022 Study afternoon on The Religious Sense of Father Luigi Giussani on the occasion of the centenary of his birth. Speakers: René Roux (University of Lugano), Gianfranco Dalmasso (University of Bergamo),...
Research in Patristic Studies Today: Methods and Perspectives
The central themes for the year 2022 is: "Research in Patristic Studies in the 21st century: Challenges, Possibilities and New Methods" Speakers: Vito Limone (Research Fellow at the Faculty of Philosophy, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan); Ilaria Vigorelli...
Carismi e fragilità
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, October 28, 2022 The research group in relational ontology organised an afternoon of study on charisms in dialogue with Luigino Bruni starting from his book La comunità fragile (Città Nuova, 2022). Speakers: Fabrizio...
The Cross and the status of suffering in Christian theology
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, September 16, 2022 Speaker: Karen Kilby (Durham University) *** Kilby shared that her main perspective is on defeat of suffering and death, not in reconciliation with suffering and death. She sees the risk of the...
Buscando un método para el diálogo entre Teología, Filosofía y Sociología, en el marco del paradigma relacional. De Scannone a Beuchot
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, September 27, 2022 Speaker: Leonor Gómez Cabranes *** The Relational Ontology Research (ROR) group organised a study seminar with Leonor Gómez Cabranes on the possibility of conducting a dialogue between theology,...
Workshop on the background of the first Council of Nicea: open question
Nyíregyháza, Hungary, September 13-15, 2022 The first activity promoted by Relational Ontology Research (ROR) group in the academic year 2022-2023 was the Workshop on the background of the first Council of Nicaea: open questions. The workshop was organized by the...
Gift and the Unity of Being
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 10 marzo 2022 Interviene Antonio López (John Paul II Institute, Washington). Locandina ...
From Alexandria to Nyssa: Clement and Gregory in Conversation
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, October 28-30, 2021 While Gregory of Nyssa’s relation to Origen has been subject to much discussion, there has been little attention to the direct or indirect influence of Clement of Alexandria. This colloquium aims to...
Researching through the eyes of Faith?
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 30 gennaio 2020 ll Gruppo “Ricerca in Ontologia Relazionale” (ROR) si è riunito nuovamente giovedì 30 gennaio 2020, con l’iniziativa Researching through the eyes of Faith? Si è svolto al mattino un...
Researching through the eyes of Faith?
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 30 gennaio 2020 ll Gruppo “Ricerca in Ontologia Relazionale” (ROR) si è riunito nuovamente giovedì 30 gennaio 2020, con l’iniziativa Researching through the eyes of Faith? Si è svolto al mattino un...
Formare l’identità relazionale nel contesto attuale: prospettive transdisciplinari
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 14-15 novembre 2019 Il contesto culturale e sociale degli ultimi decenni ha determinato significativi e contraddittori cambiamenti nella concezione e formazione dell’identità personale: evoluzione dei rapporti...
New Trinitarian Ontologies
Babbage Lecture Theatre, Cambridge, September 13-15, 2019 Il ROR coorganizza con la Faculty of Divinity dell’Università di Cambridge il Congresso New Trinitarian Ontologies, che si è svolto tra il 13 e il 15 settembre 2019 presso il Babbage Lecture Theatre a...
Re-thinking Ontology with Luther
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome, May 3-4, 2018 On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, a conference on the ontological reading of the doctrine of Lutheran grace will take place in Rome. It will be a meeting between theologians...
I carismi per il mondo, fuoco vivo nella storia
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 26 marzo 2018 Lunedì 26 marzo 2018, su iniziativa del Gruppo Ricerche di Ontologia Relazionale (ROR), ha avuto luogo un Pomeriggio di studio su “I carismi per il mondo, fuoco vivo nella storia”. Sono...
La serietà della storia. Omaggio a Christian Gnilka e Joseph Ratzinger
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 22 settembre 2017 Venerdì 22 settembre 2017, su iniziativa del Gruppo di Ricerca ROR e in collaborazione con l’Associazione Patres, ha avuto luogo la Giornata di studio La serietà della storia, come omaggio...
Misericordia e famiglia
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 11 marzo 2016 Venerdì 11 marzo 2016 (ore 15.30, Aula Álvaro del Portillo) ha avuto luogo una Giornata di studio sul tema Misericordia e famiglia. Dopo le relazioni di P. Amedeo Cencini, F.d.C.C., e della dott.ssa...